
Baghdad sets record with 125-degree day

Baghdad sets record with 125-degree day

Baghdad sets record with 125-degree dayBaghdad, Iraq, has seen high temperatures before, but not like this.The city recorded its two hottest days ever Tuesday and Wednesday at 125 and 124 degrees, respectively. Per The Washington Post, the situation was exacerbated by the state electricity grid failing, prompting many residents to rely on generators to power their homes. And on Monday, when temperatures reached 123 degrees, two demonstrators protesting against the lack of electricity and basic services were shot and killed by security forces.Several other places in the Middle East have experienced extraordinary temperatures this week, as well. Beirut, Lebanon, set a record at 113.7 degrees, while Damascus, Syria, tied its previous high at 114.8 degrees. Additional locations broke previous records in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, the Post reports.In Baghdad, temperatures are supposed to hover in the same record-setting area Thursday, before dropping slightly over the weekend and into next week. The Post notes extreme heat can happen randomly and naturally, but climate change has made such instances disproportionately more likely. Read more at The Washington Post.More stories from theweek.com Jim Jordan explodes when asked to put on a mask, pivots to 'unmasking' of Michael Flynn Anderson Cooper: Trump is a 'self-proclaimed wartime president' but ignores 'American lives lost on the battlefield' The Pentagon wants a new nuke because it might fire off the old ones by mistake

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Top Mexican drug kingpin El Mencho reportedly builds own private hospital

Top Mexican drug kingpin El Mencho reportedly builds own private hospitalSecretive leader of Jalisco New Generation cartel, who seeks treatment for kidney disease, currently seen as 'public enemy No 1'One of Mexico's most wanted drug lords, El Mencho, is reported to have built his own private hospital in the western state of Jalisco.The cartel boss – whose real name is Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes – has become the region's pre-eminent villain in recent months and grabbed headlines in June after his assassins allegedly launched a brazen pre-dawn attempt to murder Mexico City's police chief.Earlier this month a viral social media video purportedly showing scores of El Mencho's heavily armed foot soldiers added to that notoriety – although Mexico's government has questioned the veracity of the footage.This week, fresh claims about the head of Mexico's Jalisco New Generation cartel emerged, alleging he had bankrolled the construction of a hospital.Citing intelligence reports, the El Universal newspaper said the 54-year-old drug lord had built the clinic in El Alcíhuatl, a village about 250km south-west of Jalisco's capital, Guadalajara.Latin American gangsters often keep medical professionals on the payroll in order to avoid official hospitals in the event of being shot by security forces. But El Mencho's decision to build his own hospital reportedly stems from his reluctance to venture out of his network of rural hideouts – of which El Alcíhuatl is supposedly one – to seek treatment for kidney disease. The newspaper said the drug lord's employees and locals also used the clinic.El Universal called Villa Purificación, the municipality where the village is located, one of the Jalisco cartel's key strongholds. It was here that a Mexican army helicopter was shot down with a rocket-propelled grenade during a failed 2015 attempt to capture its leader.Since then the group – best known by its Spanish initials CJNG – has gone from strength to strength. In 2018 US authorities declared it a "top priority", announcing a $10m reward for information leading to El Mencho's arrest.The capo's son was extradited to the US to face drug trafficking charges in February this year, and his daughter arrested in Washington just days later. But El Mencho, who has replaced the now jailed "El Chapo" as Mexico's highest-profile gangster, remains free.Chris Dalby, an organized crime expert who studies Mexico's cartel, said authorities currently considered El Mencho "public enemy No 1".Under his command, the cartel had evolved into Mexico's most powerful criminal organization – smuggling huge quantities of cocaine, marijuana and synthetic drugs such as fentanyl into the US, as well as trafficking arms, people and fuel."The Jalisco cartel is the group that's en vogue now," said Dalby, the managing editor of InSight Crime, which tracks Latin American organized crime.Dalby said that the cartel had taken advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic to "aggressively expand" across Mexican states such as Zacatecas, Veracruz and Guanajuato. Yet relatively little was known about El Mencho himself."He's very secretive. He does not show himself … He's not a man of the people like El Chapo, who cultivated that cult of personality, who was seen engaging with people, a little bit like Pablo Escobar. He's part of an evolution of drug kingpins who want to keep themselves in the shadows."The group's growing profile meant President Andrés Manuel López Obrador faced mounting pressure to catch the drug lord."If the Mexican army made a concerted effort, I'm sure they could find El Mencho and they could rub him out," Dalby said."[But] it would make no difference. It would perhaps weaken the Jalisco cartel and fragment them. But it would not make Mexico any safer – because someone else would just take over."

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Помимо перечисленных характеристик, равнополочные уголки отличаются долговечностью, переносимостью воздействия как высоких, так и низких температур. Алюминиевый равнополочный уголок обладает высокой устойчивостью к коррозии, ультрафиолетовых лучей, химических жидкостей, кислот и влаги. При взаимодействии с воздухом на его поверхности возникает окисная пленка, которая играет роль барьера и увеличивает период его эксплуатации.

Также на уголки равнополочные может быть нанесено покрытие одним из методов:

  • распыление полимерной порошковой краски;
  • декорирование и ламинирование;
  • анодирование (путем создания на поверхности алюминия оксидного слоя).

Разные составы цветовых решений позволяют вписать их в производственный цикл для производства шкафов-купе, гардеробных комнат и прочей домашней мебели. Вышеприведенные нюансы помогут оценить их особенности, анодированные равнополочные уголки пользуются популярностью у многих потребителей - организаций и частных лиц.

Еще одно достоинство заключается в том, что они без каких либо проблем поддаются практически любой механической обработке. Его можно сверлить, шлифовать и придавать ему разлиную форму. Для их скрепления используются саморезы.

Как делаются уголки равнополочные

Производство их, как правило, осуществляется экструзией или гибкой. В зависимости от технологии выделяют вот два типа:

  • прессованные;
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При этом они могут поступать в продажу в исходном состоянии или подвергнутые одному из нескольких способов термообработки. Экструдируют их на мощных гидравлических прессах через формообразующий элемент - фильеру, или так называемую матрицу. Гнут на гибочных станках. Стоить отметить, что им свойственно иметь более десятков тысяч размеров. Наиболее маленьким считается размер 10х10х1 мм, его противоположность, габарит 200 мм шириной и 200 мм высотой.

И так, подведем итоги: сплошной профиль, гораздо надежнее поливинилхлорида и дерева, так как не боится температурных скачков, алюминию не страшны жара и морозы, он устойчив к негативным атмосферным проявлениям. Они, профили, не воспламеняются и не поддерживают процесс горения, не продуцируют токсинов даже в случае нагревании, что дает возможность использовать их в жилых помещениях. Они не выделяет в атмосферу ядовитых веществ, абсолютно безвредны для человека. И монтировать их - одно удовольствие, скажем так, достаточно просто. Кроме того, они просты в обслуживании. И самое главное, они отличаются доступной ценой.

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Iran's navy shoots missile at mock-up of US aircraft carrier in the Strait of Hormuz

Iran's navy shoots missile at mock-up of US aircraft carrier in the Strait of HormuzFootage on Iranian state TV showed the replica being struck as part of an exercise Iran called "Great Prophet 14."

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